
Parvovirus B19 infection: characteristics of population immunity in the world
Nikishov O.N., Kuzin A.A., Lavrentieva I.N., Antipova A.Y., Nikishov S.N.
Accumulated experience and future prospects of in vivo hepatitis B virus research
Nagornykh A.M., Tyumentseva M.A., Tyumentsev A.I., Akimkin V.G.
Live attenuated COVID-19 vaccines: approaches to development and prospects for clinical use
Korchevaya E.R., Gracheva A.V., Dyakov I.N., Zverev V.V., Faizuloev E.B.
Mechanisms of Toll-like receptor tolerance induced by microbial ligands
Bulgakova I.D., Svitich O.A., Zverev V.V.
The Yersinia pestis aggregation as a functional adaptation to the flea organism (review)
Bazanova L.P., Nikitin A.Y., Tokmakova E.G.
Current notions about etiopathogenic and genetics specific features of Сlostridium perfringens toxins
Lobzin Y.V., Kvetnaya A.S., Skripchenko N.V., Zhelezova L.I.
The cell cultures in virology: from the past to the future
Kuznetsova T.A., Besednova N.N., Aliev M.R., Shchelkanov M.Y.
Recombinase polymerase amplification: method’s characteristics and applications in diagnostics of infectious diseases
Bondareva O.S., Baturin A.A., Mironova A.V.
Immunogenesis in Lassa fever and prospects for vaccine development
Markin V.A.
Role of intestinal microbiota in regulation of immune reactions of gut-associated lymphoid tissue under stress and following the modulation of its composition by antibiotics and probiotics administration
Topol I.A., Polyakova I.S., Elykova A.V.
Anatomical and physiological aspects of the HIV infection pathogenesis in animal models
Nagornykh A.M., Tyumentseva M.A., Tyumentsev A.I., Akimkin V.G.
Limitations in creating artificial populations in agent-based epidemic modeling: a systematic review
Maslova I.I., Manolov A.I., Glushchenko O.E., Kozlov I.E., Tsurkis V.I., Popov N.S., Samoilov A.E., Lukashev A.N., Ilina E.N.
To the question of the relevance of the development and prospects for the use of the bacteriophage Streptococcus pneumoniae
Zakharova Y.A., Ivashchenko I.A., Bolgarova E.V.
The status of herd immunity to measles in Russia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies
Nozdracheva A.V., Semenenko T.A.
SARS, SARS again, and MERS. Review of animal models of human respiratory syndromes caused by coronavirus infections
Nagornykh A.M., Tyumentsev A.I., Tyumentseva M.A., Akimkin V.G.
Promising pharmaceutical development of vaccines for the prevention of meningococcal infection
Savkina M.V., Sayapina L.V., Krivykh M.A., Obukhov Y.I.
A modern view of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli — a causative agent of acute intestinal infections
Makarova M.A.
Marburg virus and the disease it causes
Markin V.A.
Gut microbiota and carcinogenesis: actual aspects
Poveshchenko A.F., Cherkas V.N., Kabakov A.V., Kazakov O.V.
Endolysins of bacteriophages
Barkova I.A., Izhberdeeva M.P., Sautkina A.A.
Gut microbiota and carcinogenesis in various human organs
Kostin R.K., Malyugin D.A., Solenova L.G., Kulaeva E.D.
Bacteriophages and the immune system of the macroorganism
Ivanovа I.A., Trufanova A.A., Filippenko A.V., Bespalova I.A., Omelchenko N.D.
Purulent-septic infections in puerperas. Part 2. Clinical and pathogenetic characteristics of nosological forms, etiology and antibiotic resistance (literature review)
Smirnova S.S., Egorov I.A., Golubkova A.A.
Neutrophil extracellular traps in the fight against biofilm-forming microorganisms: hunters or prey?
Dolgushin I.I., Mezentseva E.A.
Comparative analysis of methods for isothermal amplification of nucleic acids
Chemisova O.S., Tsyrulina O.A., Trukhachev A.L., Noskov A.K.
Purulent-septic infections in puerperas. Part 1. Рrevalence, risk factors, epidemiological surveillance (literature review)
Smirnova S.S., Egorov I.A., Golubkova A.A.
Genetic diversity of the Epstein–Barr virus: a modern view of the problem
Popkova M.I., Utkin O.V.
A systematic review of outbreaks of bloodborne infections (hepatitis B and C, HIV) transmitted from patient to patient in healthcare settings
Sacuk A.V., Solopova G.G., Ploskireva A.A.
Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the interleukin-1 superfamily members: аssociation with viral hepatitis B and C
Vlasenko N.V., Churilova N.S., Panasyuk Y.V., Klushkina V.V., Dubodelov D.V., Kudryavtseva E.N., Semenenko T.A., Kuzin S.N., Akimkin N.G.
Allergy vaccines for specific immunotherapy
Petrova S.Y., Khlgatian S.V., Berzhets V.M., Vasileva A.V.
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