TAP to see full manuscript preparation guidelines
The manuscript should be checked for spelling and grammar. The article should be printed in Times New Roman or Arial, font size 14, with 1.5 spacing between lines, all fields, except the left 2 cm wide, the left 3 cm. All pages should be numbered. Automatic hyphenation should not be used.
The entire text of the article should be written in one file (title page, summary, keywords, article text, tables, list of references, information about the authors). The file must be named on the surname of the first author (Surname_Text). The drawings and scanned documents are stored in separate files also containing the name of the first author (Surname_Figure).
The paper should not exceed 18 pages (including illustrations, tables, resume and references), news reports – 3 pages.
Language of the article. Manuscripts from any country in Russian and/or English are accepted for publication in the journal.
Articles by foreign authors, as well as articles by Russian-language authors recommended separately by the Editorial Board, are published in Russian and English under a single DOI.
Articles by foreign authors in English may be published by the decision of the Editor-in-Chief of the journal without translation into Russian (except for the title, summary and keywords) or with full or partial translation (titles and captions to figures, tables).
Authors can provide a translation of the full text of the article. The conclusion of the official translation agency on the compliance of English and Russian texts is mandatory.
The Editorial Board has the right to edit the translation.
Use of generic and trade names Use of generic drug names is recommended. In the case of using the trade names of medicines, devices, supplies and equipment, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on Advertising, the article may be regarded by the Editorial Board as advertising.
Front Matter. The title page of the article contains the following information in Russian and English:
- Surname, initials of the authors. When translating the names of the authors, it is recommended to transliterate in the same way as in previous publications or on the BGN system, see the website http://www.translit.ru. English-language authors are listed in John Y. Smith format.
- The title of the manuscript.
- The full name of the affiliations for each author, in the nominative case with the obligatory indication of the status of the organization (an abbreviation before the name) and department; officially accepted English version of the name. 4) Institution zip code, city, country.
- Contact information of the corresponding author: full name, academic degree, academic title, position, affiliation with address, e-mail address.
- Authors profiles at https://orcid.org.
If there are several authors, each surname and the corresponding affiliation is affixed with a digital index. If all authors of the article work in one institution, it is not necessary to indicate the affiliation of each author separately, it is enough to indicate the institution once. If the author has several affiliations, each is indicated by a separate digital index. - A link to the preprint (if any) indicating the DOI identifier and the conditions for distributing the preprint.
Abstract. The abstract in Russian and English is the main source of information in domestic and international reference systems and databases indexing the journal. The abstract should state only the essential facts of the study, not contain general words. For research articles the abstract should be structured, repeating the structure of the article and including an introduction, aim and objectives, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion (conclusions).
The abstract should be a total of about 300 words maximum.
The abstract should be accompanied by several keywords or its combinations that reflect the main topic of the article and facilitate the classification of work in computer search engines. Keywords in English should be taken from an organized Medline dictionary (MeSH, EMtree ...).
Original research articles. The article should describe the results of the completed study. The article is allowed up to 20 typewritten pages (1 page - 2500 characters), including figures, tables. The article should contain following sections: 1) introduction; 2) materials and methods; 3) results; 4) discussion.
- Introduction should define the purpose of the work and its objectives.
- Materials and methods may be presented in separate subsections with short subheadings. The section should contain: inclusion and exclusion criteria for patients, experimental animals, etc.; description of the research method (cohort, prospective, randomized drug trial, retrospective, series of observations); a detailed description of a new medicine, method, modification, experiment, surgical intervention in a certain sequence; brief description of the protocol. It is strongly recommended that you follow the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials, which are available at http://www.consort-statement.org/
- Methods published earlier must be accompanied by links: the author describes only relevant changes.
All unconventional modifications to the methods should be described in sufficient detail. For all reagents used in the work, animals, cell cultures, etc. the manufacturers and/or sources of receipt must be clearly indicated.
When submitting experimental work, one should be guided by the Rules for conducting studies with experimental animals. In addition to the type, sex and number of animals used, the authors must indicate the methods of anesthesia and methods of sacrificing the animals that were used during the painful procedures.
In works representing the results of scientific research, modern methods of statistical data processing should be used. Mandatory in statistical analysis: calculation of sample size based on statistical power; determination of normality of distribution according to Kolmogorov–Smirnov or Shapiro–Wilk; detailed presentation of logistic or linear regression analysis models (determinants and covariants); statistical package and version. - Results are described in a logical sequence in the form of separate fragments separated by subheadings, without discussion elements, without repeating the methodological details, without duplicating the digital data given in the tables and figures.
- In the Discussion, a detailed analysis of the obtained data is carried out in comparison with the published data, which serves as a justification for the conclusions of the authors.
- The Acknowledgments section is optional, but highly desirable. In this section, the authors can express gratitude to the organization that supported and funded the research, colleagues who gave advises during the research process and/or writing, as well as technical staff for their assistance in the research.
Short communications. Short preliminary reports (up to 1500 words, dedicated to a specific actual topic) on original and significant results that are of exceptional interest to specialists in the disciplines covered by the journal. A feature of the publication is the focusing on the presentation of important facts that prove the reliability of the obtained results without a broad historical introduction, excessive experimental detailing and detailed discussion. The publication of the preliminary report does not preclude the posting of the full text of the article in the future.
Reviews. The design of review articles is similar to the original articles. Review structure: introduction; main part; conclusions.
It is desirable that the compilation of the reviews be in line with international recommendations on systematic literature search methods and standards. The word “review” should be included in the keywords of review articles. The name “systematic review” should be included in the name of the systematic review.
Detailed information regarding the compilation of reviews can be found in the PRISMA manual (Recommended Reporting Elements for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis), available at http://prisma-statement.org
The review is a theoretical scientific study, so it requires the definition of goals, objectives and conclusions. Reviews that do not contain a critical insight into the presented information for purpose of the solving scientific problems raised by authors are not accepted for publication.
Mini-reviews. Summaries of recent ideas or achievements (up to 1500 words, dedicated to a specific actual topic) over the past 3 to 5 years, that substantiate the relevance of areas for future research.
Descriptions of clinical observations
Clinical observations formatted according to CARE recommendations take precedence. CARE recommendations are available at http://care-statement.org
Recommendations for the preparation of the text of the article
All terms and definitions must be scientifically valid, their spelling (both Russian and Latin) must comply with the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms, ed. V.I. Pokrovsky (Moscow, 2001).
Only international nonproprietary names of drugs are given, followed by, if necessary, several trade names of drugs registered in Russia are given (in accordance with the State Register of Medicines).
All designations and abbreviations should be defined in parentheses the first time they appear in the text and used consistently thereafter.
Doses of medicines, units of measurement of physical quantities should be indicated in the SI units.
The decimal point is a period: 0.35.
References to the figures are given in the text of the article.
Legends and captions in figures are provided in Russian and English. In the captions to the graphs, designations on the axes of abscissas and ordinates, units of measure, explanations of curves and columns are indicated. Microphotograph captions indicate coloring method and magnification.
Maximum picture size: width 170 mm, height 220 mm. Arial, Times New Roman, Symbol or similar fonts should be used in the image.
The inscriptions in the figures should be replaced, if possible, with digital or letter designations explained in the text of the article or in the captions to the figures. Use a unified system of lettering and image scaling.
- black and white tones (grayscale), color tones (CMYK) — extension *.tiff, * .jpg, resolution 300 dpi;
- charts and diagrams are provided in the original format (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, etc.) not accepted;
- files that are formatted for display on the screen (for example, *.gif, *.bmp, *.pict, *.wpg);
- files with low resolution;
- figures published earlier in other works of the authors.
Tables are numbered separately from the numbering of figures.
All text in the tables is given in Russian and English.
Units are included in row or column headings.
Mathematical equations should be presented as editable text, not as images.
Variables in Latin letters are given in italics, in Greek letters in direct font. The equations should be numbered in order they appear in the text.
References must be numbered in order of appearance in the text regardless of the language in which they are written. In the text, reference numbers should be placed in square brackets. It is necessary to make sure that all references provided in the text are present in the list of references (and vice versa).
Each scientific fact must be accompanied by a separate reference. If several scientific facts are mentioned in one sentence, a reference is placed after each of them (not at the end of the sentence). When multiple references are used, they are given in chronological order.
In the original articles, it is desirable limit the number of references about 30, in literature reviews — about 60, in lectures and other materials — about 15. The minimum number of references is 10.
Documents (orders, GOST, health regulations, guidelines, recommendations, sanitary and epidemiological regulations, federal laws) should be indicated not in the lists of references, but in footnotes within the text.
The list of references is provided in two versions:
- in the original language (Russian sources in Cyrillic, English in Latin),
- in English, Russian-language sources are transliterated (at the end of the source it is indicated: in Russian), English-language sources are given in the original.
References should contain, in addition to fundamental works, publications over the past 5 years (at least 50% of citations), articles from journals, references to highly cited sources, including those from Scopus and Web of Science. References must be verifiable and must be accompanied by DOI.
The names of the English-language journals in abbreviated form should be in accordance to List of Title Word Abbreviations at http://www.issn.org/services/online-services/access-to-the-ltwa/ .
References to online sources must be reliable. At a minimum, the full URL and date of access to the link should be given. Authors should also provide any additional information, if known: DOI, names of authors, dates, links to publication sources, etc.
Do not refer to unpublished, retracted (withdrawn from print) articles, dissertations, and abstracts of dissertations (it is more correct to refer to articles published on the basis of dissertation research). It is advisable to avoid selfcitation, except when it is necessary (in the literature review no more than 3-5 references).
The list of references in English can be prepared using transliteration systems (http://www.translit.ru) and a Google translator. Since various variants of transliteration of surnames are possible, when preparing references to articles published in the journals of Publishing House FBSI Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, it is recommended to use data from the site www.elibrary.ru.
The author is responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic data.
Authors Information
The following information in Russian and English is provided about each author: full name, academic degree, academic rank, position, affiliation with the official name of the organization, zip code, city and country, e-mail, ORCID ID (the author's profile on orcid.org must be completed).
Rules for the publication of scientific information on medicinal products
- Grounds: Law of 13.03.2006 No. 38 FZ "On Advertising", Federal Law of 12 April 2010 No. 61-FZ "On the Circulation of Medicines"; GOST R 52379-2005 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE (GCP);
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2020 No. 441 "On the peculiarities of the circulation of medicinal products for medical use, intended for use in conditions of risk of emergency, occurrence of emergency and for organizing medical assistance to persons affected by emergencies, prevention and treatment of diseases, posing a danger to others, diseases and injuries resulting from exposure to chemical, biological, radiation factors. "
When publishing the results of scientific research and scientific reviews, the object of research of which is a medicinal product (MP), its international nonproprietary name (INN) is indicated, in the absence - a chemical or group name indicating the purpose of the drug and inherent significant technological properties. The indication of the country of origin is permitted.
The use of the full trade name of a drug, a trade mark, with an indication of the manufacturer, is allowed with a mark * "In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation" On Advertising" is published as an advertisement."
- It is allowed to indicate the trade name of the drug (without indicating the trademark and manufacturer) and indicate the drug developer when publishing the results of clinical trials (CT) approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, or conducting clinical trials in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2020 No. 441 "On the peculiarities of the circulation of medicinal products for medical use, which are intended for use in conditions of a threat of the emergence, occurrence and elimination of an emergency situation and for organizing the provision of medical assistance to persons affected by emergencies, preventing emergencies, preventing and treating diseases that pose a danger to others, diseases and injuries resulting from exposure to adverse chemical, biological, radiation factors "(hereinafter referred to as the Government Decree).
- It should be indicated in Summary that the article publishes the results of clinical trials (indicate which ones, its purpose, the number of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and a link to the CT on the website http://clinicaltrialsregister.ru/), or in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2020 No. 441.
- Sections Conflict of Interest and/or Funding should indicate the following:
- the work was performed under the contract "No. ____ between the company ___ and the NRU ___" / or at the expense of the company ____
- drug "X" was provided by ___.
- Indication of the trade name (without indication of the trademark) with the name of the manufacturer of the medicinal product is possible if used as an officially approved reference medicinal product.
- Advertising of medicinal products not registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as unregistered indications for use, is unacceptable.
- The Editorial Board has the right to demand the indication of the name of the drug in accordance with the requirements of clause 1, if it considers that the facts set forth in the article can be regarded as advertising or anti-advertising.
- Responsibility for the inaccuracy of information and compensation for damage brought against the Publisher in claims for unfair advertising lies with the authors of the published article.
Software for citation
Currently, there are a number of services to generate citations:
The author is responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic data.
Information about the authors
The following information is provided about each author in Russian and English: full name, academic degree, academic title, position, official name of the employer organization, postal code, city and country, e-mail, ORCID identifier (the author's profile on orcid.org must be filled in).
Information about compliance with Publishing Ethics:
- the ethics committee protocol number, informed consent of patients, compliance with the Policy of bioethics and humane treatment of animals;
- conflict of interest;
- research funding.