- Authors: Poleeva M.V.1, Chemisova O.S.1
- Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for Plague Control
- Issue: Vol 95, No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 93-101
- Section: REVIEWS
- Submitted: 10.04.2019
- Published: 28.02.2018
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 253
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Toxins - molecular weight compounds produced by microorganisms, animals, plants and possessing antigene properties. Recently due to the perceived threat of terrorist actions identification of a number of bacterial toxins is especially important. A new approach in the identification of toxins associated with the development of mass spectrometry and can be successfully used for analysis of most environmental toxins. The method of MALDI-MS allows the detection of toxins such as Shiga-toxin Escherichia coli, delta-toxin of Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus particular, botulinum neurotoxin, cholera toxin. Analytical and diagnostic characteristics of the method, the simplicity and speed studies indicate the long term implementation of a method in the practice of laboratory diagnostics in determining toxinproducing of the studied microorganisms.
About the authors
M. V. Poleeva
Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for Plague Control
Author for correspondence.
O. S. Chemisova
Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for Plague Control
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