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Klebsiella pneumoniae microorganisms belong to a group of the most prevalent clinically significant pathogens with a high level of antibacterial resistance (ESKAPE). The speed of formation of antibiotics-resistance by K. pneumoniae strains has sharply increased and reached pandemic scale. One of the main clinically significant mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance is (3-lactamase production, the groups being active depending on the region, country' and hospital. Currently, a significant part of nosocomial K. pneumoniae is resistant to penicillins, 11I-IV generation cephalosporins. The growth of resistance of klebsiellae to carbapenems is a serious threat to the healthcare system. First ofall, KPC-, OXA-, NDM-, VIM-, IMP-producing Widespread of carbapenem-resistant klebsiellae gives evidence on the necessity of international collaboration within the framework of antibiotics resistance control. An increase of frequency of obtained resistance of K. pneumoniae to non-(3-lactame antibiotics (fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides) is noted. Isolates of K. pneumoniae resistant to tygecyclin, colistin are registered. In general, the problem of antibiotics resistance of causative agents of human diseases including K. pneumoniae continues to intensify. This is a serious threat to world public health that requires action in all sectors of the state.

About the authors

E. V. Anganova

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education - Branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; Scientific Centre of Problems of Family Health and Human Reproduction

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

A. V. Vetokhina

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education - Branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; Irkutsk Regional Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation

L. A. Raspopina

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education - Branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; Irkutsk Regional Infectious Hospital

Russian Federation

E. L. Kichigina

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education - Branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Russian Federation

E. D. Savilov

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education - Branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; Scientific Centre of Problems of Family Health and Human Reproduction

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Anganova E.V., Vetokhina A.V., Raspopina L.A., Kichigina E.L., Savilov E.D.

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