- Authors: Vaneeva NP1, Vorob'ev DS1, Grishchenko NV1, Kurbatova EA1, Yastrebova NE1, Kalina NG1, Elkina SI1, Zubkov AV1, Aparin PG1, L'vov VL1, Mikhaylova NA1
- Issue: Vol 89, No 5 (2012)
- Pages: 36-42
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 13.06.2023
- Published: 15.10.2012
- URL:
- ID: 14186
Cite item
Full Text
were obtained by ultrasound disintegration (from bacteria in R-form), extraction with water (from
serotype 3 bacteria), cetavlon and trichloroacetic acid (from serotype 6A bacteria). Chemical composition
and immunochemic properties of preparations were studied by contemporary methods as well as in experiments
with direct and cross-protection of mice from infection. Results. 3 of 4 preparations (except ultrasound
disintegrate) had approximately 30% of protein. In immunodiffusion reaction they interacted with hyper
immune rabbit sera obtained against 12 various pneumococcus serotypes - 1, 3, 4, 6А, 6В, 9V, 9N, 14, 18C,
19A, 19F and 23F. In animal experiments 30 - 70% of mice were protected from subsequent infection with
knowingly high dose of homologous and 3 heterologous pneumococcus strains. In immunoblotting the highest
number of components serologically active with heterologous sera was formed by cetavlon extract (12
- 23). Addition of capsule polysaccharides to the preparation increased its cross-protective activity. Conclusion.
By data set and the highest yield, water extract is reasonable for isolation of cross-reactive proteins of pneumococcus.
Development of another method of extraction from cultural fluid is necessary for obtaining extracellular
protein antigens. Generation of vaccines containing cross-reactive proteins of pneumococcus and
capsule polysaccharides is a promising direction.
About the authors
N P Vaneeva
D S Vorob'ev
N V Grishchenko
E A Kurbatova
N E Yastrebova
N G Kalina
S I Elkina
A V Zubkov
P G Aparin
V L L'vov
N A Mikhaylova
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