- Authors: Polunina T.A1, Kireev M.N1, Khramchenkova T.A1, Spitsyn A.N1, Grigorieva G.V1
- Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
- Issue: Vol 90, No 5 (2013)
- Pages: 112-119
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.10.2013
- URL:
- ID: 13915
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Full Text
History of development and improvement of tandem mass spectrometry, possibilities of its application at the contemporary stage in various fields of medicine and biotechnology including production of novel medicinal preparations, identification of biologically active substances, pathogenic microorganisms and causative agents of especially dangerous infections is given.
About the authors
T. A Polunina
Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
M. N Kireev
Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
T. A Khramchenkova
Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
A. N Spitsyn
Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
G. V Grigorieva
Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
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