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Aim. Evaluate standardness of antigenic composition of pertussis component, completeness of sorption of pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus components, specific activity and safety of experimental series ofADTP-vaccine with acellular pertussis component (ADTaP-vaccine). Materials and methods. The content of separate antigens (pertussis toxin, filamentous hemagglutinin and agglutinogens 1, 2, 3) in samples of acellular pertussis component of ADTaP-vaccine and completeness of sorption of pertussis component of ADTaP-vaccine were evaluated by using enzyme immunoassay. Completeness of sorption of diphtheria and tetanus components were determined in flocculation reaction and antitoxin-binding reactions, respectively. Protective activity ofADTaP-vaccine was studied in model ofmeningoencephalitis development in mice infected with Bordetella pertussis (strain 18323) neurotropic virulent culture, protective activity of tetanus component - by survival of mice after administration of tetanus toxin, protective activity of diphtheria component - by survival of guinea pigs after administration of diphtheria toxin. Safety of preparations was evaluated in tests of acute and chronic toxicity with carrying out pathomorphologic studies including immature animals. Results. All the studied experimental series of ADTaP-vaccine were standard by content of separate antigens of pertussis microbe. All the ADTaP-vaccine components were completely sorbed on aluminium hydroxide gel. By protective activity ADTaP preparations satisfied the WHO requirements. The preparations were non-toxic in acute and chronic toxicity and did not induce pathomorphologic changes including immature animals. Conclusion. Experimental samples of ADTaP-vaccine by specific activity and safety satisfied WHO requirements.

About the authors

E. M Zaitsev

Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

M. V Britsina

Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

I. G Bazhanova

Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

N. U Mertsalova

Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

M. N Ozeretskovskaya

Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

E. V Ermolova

Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

N. G Plekhanova

Volgograd Research Institute of Plague Control, Russia

N. A Mikhailova

Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

V. A Kolyshkin

Mechinikov Biomed Ltd., Petrovo-Dalneye, Moscow Region, Russia

V. V Zverev

Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2013 Zaitsev E.M., Britsina M.V., Bazhanova I.G., Mertsalova N.U., Ozeretskovskaya M.N., Ermolova E.V., Plekhanova N.G., Mikhailova N.A., Kolyshkin V.A., Zverev V.V.

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