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Aim. Detect features of microflora of upper respiratory tract on the example of flora of palatine tonsils and level of antibodies against intracellular parasites as markers of etiologic factors of respiratory infections in school-age children in remission period. Materials and methods. 466 children from frequently and episodically ill groups were examined. Bacteriologic study of smears from the surface of palatine tonsils was carried out in all the children. By using EIA with the corresponding commercial test systems IgG level against Herpes simplex virus, Cytomegalovirus, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Human respiratory syncytial virus was determined in blood sera according to instruction manual. Results. During remission period of infectious process in the structure of microflora of upper respiratory tract in frequently ill children characteristic differences from their episodically ill peers were detected. In children with frequent respiratory infections a higher occurrence of antibodies against intracellular causative agents of these diseases was also detected. In the group of frequently ill, a direct correlation between frequency of infectious diseases of respiratory tract and occurrence of carriage of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms as well as increase of antibodies against Herpesviridae, Cytomegalovirus, C. pneumoniaе and M. pneumoniae was detected. Conclusion. Higher occurrence of intra- and extra-cellular infectious agents as well as their associations may be considered as one of the reasons of insufficient effectiveness of prophylaxis measures in frequently ill children.

About the authors

R. V Maiorov

Tver State Medical Academy, Russia

M. V Chereshneva

Research Institute of Immunology and Physiology, Ekaterinburg, Russia

V. A Chereshnev

Research Institute of Immunology and Physiology, Ekaterinburg, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2013 Maiorov R.V., Chereshneva M.V., Chereshnev V.A.

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