- Authors: Breneva NV1, Kiseleva EY.1, Makeev SM1
- Issue: Vol 89, No 3 (2012)
- Pages: 96-102
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.09.2012
- URL:
- ID: 13734
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Full Text
Multi-year literature data as well as materials of the Reference centre of monitoring of natural
foci infections of Irkutsk Research Institute of Plague Control of Siberia and the Far East regarding
epidemiology, epizootology and laboratory diagnostics of leptospiroses in Siberia and the Far
East are analyzed and summarized in the review. Situation on leptospiroses in the region has
changed significantly. In 50 - 70s of the 20th century diseases were registered ubiquitously in the
form of outbreaks, group and single cases. Currently a low level of sporadic morbidity is noted in
separate subjects of the Russian Federation. The contemporary state of the problem remains insufficiently
clear, this demands the expansion of studies, creation of modern databases, as well as
introduction into the practice of highly sensitive methods of express diagnostics in a complex with
bacteriologic and serologic methods.
foci infections of Irkutsk Research Institute of Plague Control of Siberia and the Far East regarding
epidemiology, epizootology and laboratory diagnostics of leptospiroses in Siberia and the Far
East are analyzed and summarized in the review. Situation on leptospiroses in the region has
changed significantly. In 50 - 70s of the 20th century diseases were registered ubiquitously in the
form of outbreaks, group and single cases. Currently a low level of sporadic morbidity is noted in
separate subjects of the Russian Federation. The contemporary state of the problem remains insufficiently
clear, this demands the expansion of studies, creation of modern databases, as well as
introduction into the practice of highly sensitive methods of express diagnostics in a complex with
bacteriologic and serologic methods.
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