- Authors: Eroshenko GA1, Odinokov GN1, Kukleva LM1, Kutyrev VV1
- Issue: Vol 89, No 3 (2012)
- Pages: 90-95
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.09.2012
- URL:
- ID: 13729
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Full Text
Literature data and results of our experimental studies on genetic base of biochemical differentiation
of Yersinia pestis strains of various subspecies and biovars are summarized in the review.
Data on variability of genes coding biochemical features (sugar and alcohol fermentation, nitrate
reduction), the differential development of which are the base of existing phenotypic schemes of
Y. pestis strains classification, are presented. Variability of these genes was shown to have possible
use for the development of genetic classification of Y. pestis strains of various subspecies and biovars.
of Yersinia pestis strains of various subspecies and biovars are summarized in the review.
Data on variability of genes coding biochemical features (sugar and alcohol fermentation, nitrate
reduction), the differential development of which are the base of existing phenotypic schemes of
Y. pestis strains classification, are presented. Variability of these genes was shown to have possible
use for the development of genetic classification of Y. pestis strains of various subspecies and biovars.
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