- Authors: Naboka Y.L1, Rymashevskiy AN1, Svirava EG1, Bragina LE1
- Issue: Vol 89, No 3 (2012)
- Pages: 65-70
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.09.2012
- URL:
- ID: 13699
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Full Text
Aim. Comparative study of the microbiota of neonates in relation to vaginal and intestinal microflora
state of conditionally healthy primipara pregnant women. Materials and methods.
Bacteriological study of vaginal and intestinal microflora of 24 conditionally healthy primipara
pregnant women at week 32 and 38 of pregnancy as well as bacteriological study of meconium and
feces at day 5 of their neonates was performed. Results. Despite detection of lactobacilli by delivery
in all the pregnant women their quantity was significantly lower than normal. In colon microflora
dysbiotic changes corresponding to grade 1 (46.7%) and 2 (53.3%) dysbacteriosis were detected.
In 60.0% of cases of conditionally healthy neonates various microorganism species were
isolated from meconium. At day 5 in feces of neonates at natural feeding lactobacilli (85.8%),
bifidobacteria and escherichia (71.4% each), enterococci (100%) were detected. Conclusion. The
course of dysbiotic changes in vagina and intestines of conditionally healthy pregnant women had
subclinical level. Detection of microorganisms in meconium in conditionally healthy neonates
could be explained by translocation mechanism.
state of conditionally healthy primipara pregnant women. Materials and methods.
Bacteriological study of vaginal and intestinal microflora of 24 conditionally healthy primipara
pregnant women at week 32 and 38 of pregnancy as well as bacteriological study of meconium and
feces at day 5 of their neonates was performed. Results. Despite detection of lactobacilli by delivery
in all the pregnant women their quantity was significantly lower than normal. In colon microflora
dysbiotic changes corresponding to grade 1 (46.7%) and 2 (53.3%) dysbacteriosis were detected.
In 60.0% of cases of conditionally healthy neonates various microorganism species were
isolated from meconium. At day 5 in feces of neonates at natural feeding lactobacilli (85.8%),
bifidobacteria and escherichia (71.4% each), enterococci (100%) were detected. Conclusion. The
course of dysbiotic changes in vagina and intestines of conditionally healthy pregnant women had
subclinical level. Detection of microorganisms in meconium in conditionally healthy neonates
could be explained by translocation mechanism.
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