- Authors: Soboleva Y.V1, Usvyatsov BY.1, Khlopko Y.A1, Bukharin OV1
- Issue: Vol 89, No 3 (2012)
- Pages: 55-61
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.09.2012
- URL: https://microbiol.crie.ru/jour/article/view/13687
- ID: 13687
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Full Text
Aim. Study of features of interaction of bacteria in microsymbiocenoses of upper respiratory
tract in dynamics in individuals with various state of health: healthy individuals, individuals after
tonsillitis and bacteria carriers. Materials and methods. Modification of pathogenicity factors
(hemolytic, lecitovitellase, lysozyme and anti-lysozyme activity) in intermicrobial interactions of
226 strains of microorganisms isolated during quintuple analysis of upper respiratory tract biocenoses
of examined individuals was studied. A hierarchical structure of each microbiocenosis was
built based on the data obtained, and its temporal dynamics evaluated. Results. Microbial composition
of mucous membrane of tonsils was more constant independent of state of health when
compared with the nasal cavity. Normoflora that does not influence expression of pathogenicity
factors and symbiont persistence was predominate and persisted for a long period in healthy individuals
and bacteria carriers, whereas in individuals after tonsillitis opportunistic strains with a
high communicative activity (leaders) that increase symbiont pathogenicity persisted for a long
time. Conclusion. The revealed differences in biocenoses dynamics of 2 biotopes of upper respiratory
tract in healthy individuals, bacteria carriers and individuals after tonsillitis may be used to
forecast stable health and development of dysbiotic disorders.
tract in dynamics in individuals with various state of health: healthy individuals, individuals after
tonsillitis and bacteria carriers. Materials and methods. Modification of pathogenicity factors
(hemolytic, lecitovitellase, lysozyme and anti-lysozyme activity) in intermicrobial interactions of
226 strains of microorganisms isolated during quintuple analysis of upper respiratory tract biocenoses
of examined individuals was studied. A hierarchical structure of each microbiocenosis was
built based on the data obtained, and its temporal dynamics evaluated. Results. Microbial composition
of mucous membrane of tonsils was more constant independent of state of health when
compared with the nasal cavity. Normoflora that does not influence expression of pathogenicity
factors and symbiont persistence was predominate and persisted for a long period in healthy individuals
and bacteria carriers, whereas in individuals after tonsillitis opportunistic strains with a
high communicative activity (leaders) that increase symbiont pathogenicity persisted for a long
time. Conclusion. The revealed differences in biocenoses dynamics of 2 biotopes of upper respiratory
tract in healthy individuals, bacteria carriers and individuals after tonsillitis may be used to
forecast stable health and development of dysbiotic disorders.
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