- Authors: Kostinov MP1, Zverev VV1
- Issue: Vol 89, No 3 (2012)
- Pages: 43-50
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.09.2012
- URL: https://microbiol.crie.ru/jour/article/view/13678
- ID: 13678
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Full Text
Aim. Perform calculation of the economical effectiveness of realization of a program of vaccination
of children aged 2 years against chickenpox (CP) in the Russian Federation. Materials and
methods. Data of Federal service on customers rights protection and human well-being surveillance
on evaluation of morbidity and losses caused by CP in the Russian Federation in 2008 - 2010
were used. A cohort of children (1 760 000) aged 2 years subject to vaccination against CP in 2011,
evaluation of cost of 1 case of the infection, the amount of losses per vaccination of 1 child were
approximately determined; analysis of prevented losses by implementation of vaccination program
by using mathematical modeling methods was performed. Results. Without vaccination program
in the Russian Federation the cost of losses per 1 case of CP related to hospitalization and outpatient
visits as well as temporary disability of one of the parent in various age groups was: for children
aged 1 - 2 years - 8 333 RUB (Russian rubles), 3 - 6 years - 21 171 RUB, 7 - 14 years - 21 295
RUB. The cost of vaccination against CP of 1 child including 2 doses of vaccines with physician
examination and vaccination procedure would be 1600 RUB. In the case of realization of vaccination
program against CP in 2011 of children aged 2 years its cost would be 2 488.9 million RUB.
Cost prevention already exceeds the cost of vaccination in 1 age cohort of children at year 2 and
in 5 years the amount of prevented losses would exceed 15 billion RUB per 1 vaccinated cohort
and would continue to increase steadily. Conclusion. The performed calculations show that vaccination
against CP in the Russian Federation is a highly efficient investment. Self-sufficiency of
a program implemented in 2011 may be obtained already at the start of year 2 after the realization
and by 2016 the net economical benefit would be around 8 milliards RUB.
of children aged 2 years against chickenpox (CP) in the Russian Federation. Materials and
methods. Data of Federal service on customers rights protection and human well-being surveillance
on evaluation of morbidity and losses caused by CP in the Russian Federation in 2008 - 2010
were used. A cohort of children (1 760 000) aged 2 years subject to vaccination against CP in 2011,
evaluation of cost of 1 case of the infection, the amount of losses per vaccination of 1 child were
approximately determined; analysis of prevented losses by implementation of vaccination program
by using mathematical modeling methods was performed. Results. Without vaccination program
in the Russian Federation the cost of losses per 1 case of CP related to hospitalization and outpatient
visits as well as temporary disability of one of the parent in various age groups was: for children
aged 1 - 2 years - 8 333 RUB (Russian rubles), 3 - 6 years - 21 171 RUB, 7 - 14 years - 21 295
RUB. The cost of vaccination against CP of 1 child including 2 doses of vaccines with physician
examination and vaccination procedure would be 1600 RUB. In the case of realization of vaccination
program against CP in 2011 of children aged 2 years its cost would be 2 488.9 million RUB.
Cost prevention already exceeds the cost of vaccination in 1 age cohort of children at year 2 and
in 5 years the amount of prevented losses would exceed 15 billion RUB per 1 vaccinated cohort
and would continue to increase steadily. Conclusion. The performed calculations show that vaccination
against CP in the Russian Federation is a highly efficient investment. Self-sufficiency of
a program implemented in 2011 may be obtained already at the start of year 2 after the realization
and by 2016 the net economical benefit would be around 8 milliards RUB.
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