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Aim. Isolation of Vibrio eltor exopolysaccharide
and study of its immunochemical properties.
Materials and methods. Rugose variants of
strains V. eltor 18895 and V. eltor 18843 obtained
by us by selection in M9 medium were used in
the study. Exopolysaccharides (EPS) were isolated
by K. Kierek (2003), S.P. Zadnova (2004),
N.P. Elinova (1984) methods and analyzed for
carbohydrate, protein, nucleic acid content and
lipopolysaccharide impurity. EPS, LPS, R-LPS
structure was compared by high-pressure chromatography.
Neutral sugars and amino sugars
were identified by thin layer chromatography.
Polyclonal antibodies were produced against
EPS preparation isolated by N.P. Elinova (1984)
method. Specific activity of obtained mice sera
was tested by DIA method. Results. EPS isolated
by N.P. Elinova method (1984) was shown
not to contain extraneous impurities. V. eltor
EPS structure differs from LPS and R-LPS.
Monosaccharide composition of EPS from ctx+
V. eltor 18895 strain is presented by a wider
specter of carbohydrates including glucose,
mannose, rhamnose, galacturonic acid. Use in
DIA of specific sera produced against EPS from
toxigenic strain did not reveal general epitopes
with capsule polysaccharides of V. cholerae
O139, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus.
Conclusion. Use of EPS as an immunogen promoted
production of sera that are specific against
EPS and rugose variants of Vibrio cholerae eltor
that can be used for their detection or characterization.

About the authors

O A Tatarenko

L P Alekseeva

N R Telesmanich

O V Markina

O S Chemisova

R V Pisanov

V D Kruglikov

I S Shestialtynova

N N Uskova

O A Tatarenko

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

L P Alekseeva

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

N R Telesmanich

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

O V Markina

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

O S Chemisova

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

R V Pisanov

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

V D Kruglikov

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

I S Shestialtynova

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

N N Uskova

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia

Rostov-on-Don Research Institute for PlagueControl, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2012 Tatarenko O.A., Alekseeva L.P., Telesmanich N.R., Markina O.V., Chemisova O.S., Pisanov R.V., Kruglikov V.D., Shestialtynova I.S., Uskova N.N., Tatarenko O.A., Alekseeva L.P., Telesmanich N.R., Markina O.V., Chemisova O.S., Pisanov R.V., Kruglikov V.D., Shestialtynova I.S., Uskova N.N.

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