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Aim. Comparative analysis of Yersinia pestis strains with various biological properties by DNA content in individual cells. Materials and methods. Virulent strain 231, avirulent strain KM 260 (12) [231], that is its isogenic (no-plasmid) derivative, and vaccine strain EV NIIEG were used. 48-hour agar cultures of the studied strains reproduced at 28°C and their subcultures obtained by cultivation of the initial cultures by aeration on liquid nutrient medium from 37°C were prepared. DNA of the fixed bacteria was dyed by a mixture of ethidium bromide and mitramycin, and then the bacteria were studied by using flow cytofluorimeter for the determination of rates of cells with relatively low or high DNA content in the studied bacterial populations. The degree of inhomogeneity of a bacterial population was evaluated by DNA histogram variation coefficient value. Results. In 6 hours of growth at 37°C in optically non-dense bacterial cultures a high degree of DNA content per cell inhomogeneity was established that is related to the activation of DNA replication process in bacteria. In 48 hours of growth this inhomogeneity completely disappeared in the virulent strain cultures and remained in the avirulent strain cultures of the plague pathogen. Based on the studied parameters the vaccine strain held an intermediate position. Conclusion. Further studies of the plague culture DNA content per cell inhomogeneity may become a base for the operative strain differentiation based on pathogenicity level (hazard) for humans, and therefore the requirements for the management of safe working conditions with this microorganism.

About the authors

A. L Kravtsov

Russian Research Institute for Plague Control «Microbe», Saratov, Russia

M. N Lyapin

Russian Research Institute for Plague Control «Microbe», Saratov, Russia

T. P Shmelkova

Russian Research Institute for Plague Control «Microbe», Saratov, Russia

E. M Golovko

Russian Research Institute for Plague Control «Microbe», Saratov, Russia

T. A Malyukova

Russian Research Institute for Plague Control «Microbe», Saratov, Russia

T. A Kostyukova

Russian Research Institute for Plague Control «Microbe», Saratov, Russia

I. N Ezhov

Russian Research Institute for Plague Control «Microbe», Saratov, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2011 Kravtsov A.L., Lyapin M.N., Shmelkova T.P., Golovko E.M., Malyukova T.A., Kostyukova T.A., Ezhov I.N.

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