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Aim. Study bacterial biofilms in native material (renal calculus) by electron microscopy method
and development of biofilm model by isolates in vitro on sterile calculi of various chemical
composition. Materials and methods. Bacterial spectra of microflora of renal calculus lavages were
studied, isolated pure cultures were identified up to species. Comparisons of urine microflora
obtained before operation in patients with urolithiasis with microflora of removed renal calculi
were carried out. Results. Urease activity and genes coding pathogenicity factors were detected,
and the ability to form biofilms by isolates was studied. Model of formation of biofilms in vitro on
sterile renal calculi was developed and candidate agents reducing the biofilm forming ability were
tested. Conclusion. Uropathogenic microorganisms infecting renal calculi and forming biofilms
on them not only support chronic infection by increased resistance to therapy but also facilitate
novel lithogenesis.


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Copyright (c) 2012 Tolordava E.R., Tiganova I.G., Alekseeva N.V., Stepanova T.V., Terekhov A.A., Egamberdiev D.K., Mulabaev N.S., Shevlyagina N.V., Didenko L.V., Romanova Y.M.

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