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Aim. Perform pharmacoeconomic analysis of the effectiveness of implementation of vaccination
program against rotavirus infection in the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. Cost-benefit
analytical method was used for the evaluation of economic effectiveness of vaccination against
rotavirus infection in the Russian Federation. The number of early vaccinated - 1 800 000 individuals,
the number of rotavirus enteritis cases in 0 - 5 age cohort - 166 215, were determined.
The effectiveness of vaccination against rotavirus gastroenteritis was adopted from ATP (ac cordingto-
protocol) clinical trial data and was 83.8% cases at a 95% vaccination level. The cost of a case
of rotavirus infection according to calculations in the Russian Federation is 17 394 RUB (Russian
rubles), and the cost of vaccination of 1 child - 1000 RUB. Results. The cost of realization of
program of vaccination against rotavirus infection would be 1.7 billion RUB per year. The number
of prevented cases of rotavirus infection per year in the cohort of children aged up to 5 years would
be 148 114. Net benefit of vaccination of newborn children in the Russian Federation would be
866 million RUB. Conclusion. Implementation of program of vaccination against rotavirus infection
in the Russian Federation would promote the decrease of morbidity and economical efficiency.
The cost of vaccination program is 1.5 times less than the amount of expenses related to

About the authors

M P Kostinov

V V Zverev


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2012 Kostinov M.P., Zverev V.V.

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