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Aim. Characterize persistence properties and antibiotic sensitivity of Corynebacterium non
diphtheriae circulating in Rostov-on-Don and Rostov Region. Materials and methods. DNase,
anti-immunoglobulin activity, hemagglutinating activity, antagonistic properties and antibiotic
sensitivity of Corynebacterium non diphtheriae strains isolated from patients with inflammatory
diseases of urogenital tract, pregnant women and individuals undertaking prophylactic examination
were studied. Results. Lack of antagonistic interactions of C. non diphtheriae with members
of opportunistic microorganisms, high anti-immunoglobulin activity against IgM and IgA, lack
of hemagglutinating activity were established. Cefazolin and benzylpenicillin had the highest
antibacterial activity against C. non diphtheriae, azithromycin and lincomycin - the lowest.
Conclusion. Population level of C. non diphtheriae during urogenital tract disease diagnostics is
necessary. Determination of their sensitivity to a wide specter of antibacterial preparations is reasonable
for optimal selection of therapeutic agents.


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Copyright (c) 2012 Kharseeva G.G., Voronina N.A., Gasretova T.D., Mamycheva N.I., Golovanova N.A.

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