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Aim. Genotyping of B. pertussis strains isolated
from pertussis patients in Moscow.
Materials and methods. 53 strains of B. pertussis
isolated from pertussis patients in Moscow in
2007 - 2010 as well as 3 vaccine strains currently
used in Russia for the production of DTP
vaccine were studied by multilocus sequencing
(MLST) based on allele combinations of ptxA,
ptxC and tcfA genes. Results. A genetic characteristic
of B. pertussis strains isolated from
pertussis patients in Moscow by using MLST is
presented. Allele profile analysis of the studied
B. pertussis strains was performed, 4 sequence
types (ST) were identified - ST1, ST2, ST3 and
ST5, most of the circulating strains (86.7%) were
shown to belong to ST5, equal percentage of
cases (5.7%) - to ST2 and ST3, and 1.9% - to
ST1, while 2 vaccine production strains belong
to ST2 and 1 - to ST1. Conclusion. Clonal
structure of contemporary Moscow strains was
shown to be different from strain structure used
for the production of DTP vaccine.

About the authors

O Yu Borisova

I K Mazurova

G A Ivashinnikova

N T Gadua

I A Rudakova

N Ya Salova

I P Trebunskikh

V G Skachkova

R A Panferova

F Mooi

V A Aleshkin

O Yu Borisova

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology, Russia

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology, Russia

I K Mazurova

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology,Russia

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology,Russia

G A Ivashinnikova

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology,Russia

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology,Russia

N T Gadua

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology,Russia

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology,Russia

I A Rudakova

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology,Russia

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology,Russia

N Ya Salova

Centre of Hygiene andEpidemiology in Moscow,Russia

Centre of Hygiene andEpidemiology in Moscow,Russia

I P Trebunskikh

Centre of Hygiene andEpidemiology in Moscow, Russia

Centre of Hygiene andEpidemiology in Moscow, Russia

V G Skachkova

Branch of Centreof Hygiene and Epidemiology in North-WesternAdministrative Region of Moscow, Russia

Branch of Centreof Hygiene and Epidemiology in North-WesternAdministrative Region of Moscow, Russia

R A Panferova

Branch of Centreof Hygiene and Epidemiology in North-WesternAdministrative Region of Moscow, Russia

Branch of Centreof Hygiene and Epidemiology in North-WesternAdministrative Region of Moscow, Russia

F Mooi

Centre forInfectios Diseases Control, National Institutefor Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven,Netherlands

Centre forInfectios Diseases Control, National Institutefor Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven,Netherlands

V A Aleshkin

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology, Russia

Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute ofEpidemiology and Microbiology, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2012 Borisova O.Y., Mazurova I.K., Ivashinnikova G.A., Gadua N.T., Rudakova I.A., Salova N.Y., Trebunskikh I.P., Skachkova V.G., Panferova R.A., Mooi F., Aleshkin V.A., Borisova O.Y., Mazurova I.K., Ivashinnikova G.A., Gadua N.T., Rudakova I.A., Salova N.Y., Trebunskikh I.P., Skachkova V.G., Panferova R.A., Mooi F., Aleshkin V.A.

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