MammadovMurad Giyas oglu Mammadov, MD, DSc, Professor.

Deputy General Director of the National Oncology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan



  • In 1984 defended  PhD. thesis in specialty of “virology”.
  • 1991 defended doctoral dissertation in specialty of “oncology’ and “virology” in the All-Union Oncological Scientific Center  in Moscow.
  • In 1998 was given a scientific degree of professor in specialty of “allergology and immunology” by Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • In 2004 was elected academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Work activities
  • 1985–1988 — Head of reestablished laboratory of experimental therapy of Roentgenology, Radiology and Oncology SRI.
  • 1988–1990 — Head of the Department of experimental therapy.
  • Since 1990 — deputy director for science of National Oncology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Author of 31 monographs, more than 500 scientific articles and 22 methodological recommendations. Under his leadership, 24 PhD and 4 doctoral dissertations were  successfully defended.


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