Vasiliy G. Akimkin, D. Sci. (Medicine), Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Director of the Central Research Institute for Epidemiology, Moscow, Russia.
SCOPUS AuthorID, ORCID, Mendeley
Research interests
- The study of the problems of epidemiology and prevention of infections associated with the provision of medical care/
- The characteristics of the epidemiology of infectious diseases in organized groups.
- The improvement of the system of disinfection and sterilization measures in medical organizations, immunoprophylaxis and non-specific prophylaxis of infectious diseases with various mechanisms of transmission of the etiological agent.
Main scientific achievements
The development of the integrated use of bacteriophages for the treatment and prevention of nosocomial infections.
For the first time in world practice, the scientific basis for the methodology of using bacteriophages as biological disinfectants has been developed, the immunological and epidemiological effectiveness and developed hepatitis B vaccination schemes for medical personnel and certain categories of patients (hematological patients) was studied, scientific principles for protecting troops and the population from modern epidemiological threats were developed and implemented.
Based on the improvement of the Calendar of preventive vaccinations and the organization of disinfection measures in the troops, a significant decrease in the incidence of military personnel with viral hepatitis A, typhoid fever, influenza, community-acquired pneumonia and chickenpox has been achieved, the medical waste management system in the Russian Federation has been scientifically substantiated, developed and put into practice , technologies for cleaning and disinfection of air in medical organizations, the National Concept for the Prevention of Infections related to the provision of medical care was developed.