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Aim. Evaluation of dysbiotic condition of intestine based on determination of local antioxidant index (LAI). Materials and methods. 155 patients with bacteriologically confirmed intestine dysbacteriosis were examined. 20 individuals with normobiocenosis of the intestine served as control. Feces dilution 10-2 was used for biochemical study. Catalase, superoxide dismutase activity and level of malonic dialdehyde was evaluated photometrically by the value of optical density of the samples. Microbial landscape of feces was studied by a bacteriologic method with parallel determination in samples of coprofiltrates of activity of the indicated enzymes and content of malonic dialdehyde. Evaluation of disturbances of microecology of the intestine was carried out by a biochemical method by calculating local antioxidant index in juxtaposition with microbial map data. Results. LAI parameter was significantly higher than 20 in coprofiltrates of people with intestine normobiocenosis. In patients with detected intestine dysbacteriosis, depending on its degree, LAI parameter changes were registered in the range from negative to 20. Dysbacteriosis in a part of patients had a prolonged character, LAI was lower than 14, that reflected the presence of a persistent inflammation. A tendency of normalization of microbial ecology and growth of LAI was observed during administration ofa probiotic preparation. Conclusion. A screening criteria is proposed, that differentiates the degree of severity of intestine dysbacteriosis based on calculation of local antioxidant index.

About the authors

M. N. Gapon

Rostov Research Institute of Microbiology and Parasitology

Author for correspondence.

L. N. Ternovskaya

Rostov Research Institute of Microbiology and Parasitology



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Copyright (c) 2016 Gapon M.N., Ternovskaya L.N.

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