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The in situ investigation of cyanobacterial seasonal succession, causing algal «blooms» in boreal waters, and its dependence on ecological factors was fulfilled. It was revealed that the most important abiotic factors promoting the growth and changes of dominant species in populations are the water temperature, the level of solar radiation and content of cyanobacterial metabolites. The most profound «blooming» with highest biomass and toxic metabolites accumulation occurs during anticyclone type of weather. During such periods cyanobacteria are the most prevalent cultures due to the combination of adaptive mechanisms acquired in evolutionary process which other partners of planktonic community lacked or deprived. It was hypotized that the global warming and cyanobacteria ability to inhabit different biotopes due to environmental tolerance would result in more profound and prolonged «blooming» of boreal waters.

About the authors

V. I. Kapkov

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

S. G. Vasilieva

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Russian Federation

E. S. Lobakova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Kapkov V.I., Vasilieva S.G., Lobakova E.S.

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