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Aim. To study the main epidemiological manifestations of GAS infection in Russia and to assess the scale ofthe problem. Materials and methods. A retrospective epidemiological analysis of official statistical reporting data (f. 2, f. 12) about the incidence and prevalence of the most significant. forms of group A streptococcal infection in 2009 - 2016 was performed. Results. There was a slight decrease in the total incidence of GAS infection in the Russian Federation. On the average, 1.8 million people fell ill every year, of which 600,000 were children aged 0 - 14. There was no reliable trend in incidence of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) in 2009 - 2016 (2.0 per 100 000 population). The risk group is adolescents. The main proportion is adults (64%). In recent years the incidence of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) increases significantly (t=3.8, p<0.05). On average this form of GAS infection occurs 5 times more often than the ARF. The prevalence of both ARF and RHD are decrease reliably. Annually 2500 people die from the ARF and RHD. In recent years the incidence ofscarlet feveramong the children of Russia significantly decreased from 240.7 to 129.7 per 100 000 population (t=91.4, p<0.05). The prevalence of chronic diseases ofthe tonsils and adenoids are significantly increasing. This growth is caused by an increase in the incidence rate in the adult group. Compared with the previous period (1996 - 2007), the situation with the incidence of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and prevalence of kidney disease improved. Conclusion. The findings indicate a high prevalence of streptococcal infection in the country.

About the authors

N. I. Briko

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

E. V. Glushkova

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University



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