- Authors: Shkarin V.V.1, Kovalishena O.V.1, Saperkin N.V.1, Shptykova O.N.1
- State Medical Academy
- Issue: Vol 94, No 6 (2017)
- Pages: 114-126
- Submitted: 10.04.2019
- Published: 28.12.2017
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 238
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Infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms occupy a special position. In microbial associations of opportunistic microorganisms is easier to implement its low pathogenic potential, activate properties of each other. Group polyetiologic infections caused by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are quite diverse in terms of a nosological forms and groups. These include the so-called septic infection, which are also very diverse and clinical, epidemiological and etiological characteristics. Scientific evidence shows the urgency of the problem mixed infections, especially in surgery and indicate a lack of systematic data about the whole spectrum and the composition of microbial associations in different infections, quantification, insufficient study of the properties compared to monoagents. The problem mixed infections practically not been studied with epidemiologic standpoint, only a few studies devoted to the study of nosocomial infection of microbial associations are not developed microbiological monitoring. In this connection, you need comprehensive research mixed infections compared with monoagents to identify the characteristics and development of epidemiologic surveillance and control.
About the authors
V. V. Shkarin
State Medical Academy
Author for correspondence.
O. V. Kovalishena
State Medical Academy
N. V. Saperkin
State Medical Academy
O. N. Shptykova
State Medical Academy
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