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Aim. Evaluate clinical features of the course of acute respiratory infection (ARI) and the state of microbiocenosis
of nasopharynx of pregnant women at gestational term of 14 - 26 weeks. Materials and methods.
At the stage of outpatient therapy of ARI 49 pregnant women at the gestational term of 14 - 26 weeks were
examined: group 1 - 27 individuals consulting at day 1 and receiving Viferon (gel) intranasally for 10 days,
group 2 - 22 individuals consulting at day 2 - 3 and receiving Viferon (gel and suppositorium). Respiratory
viral infection was diagnosed by multiplex PCR. Bacteriologic study of discharge from the middle section of
the pharynx was performed by the standard technique. Results. ARI in group 1 of pregnant women were regarded
as mild severity and persisted for an average of 3 days. In group 2 in 13 (59%) of patients ARI of
moderate severity was noted and the recovery occurred at day 6. Pyo-inflammatory diseases of ENT organs
appeared in 10 (45.4%) of patients. Respiratory infections were determined in 16 (32.7%) of them: coronaviruses
- in 5 (10.2%), rhinoviruses - in 3 (6.2%), respiratory syncytial viruses - in 6 (12.3%), parainfluenza
(type 2) and influenza A viruses - 1 (2%) both, without significant differences between the observed
groups. Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mitis, Moraxella catarrhalis,
Corynebacterium spp., Streptococcus pyogenes with the predominance of the latter in 36.7% and 60% of cases,
respectively, in pregnant women of the group 2 (p<0.01), were detected in the microflora of the mucous
membrane of the nasopharynx. Conclusion. Viferon preparation therapy prescribed at day 1 of outpatient
visit of pregnant women may promote mild course of ARI and prophylaxis of complications of upper respiratory


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Copyright (c) 2012 Kostinov M.P., Meshcheryakova A.K., Foshina E.P., Tarbaeva D.A., Savis'ko A.A., Zaytseva E.V.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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