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Aim. Study the microbial landscape and determine the interaction between biocenoses of skin, oropharynx and intestine mucous membranes during atopic dermatitis in children. Materials and methods. 60 children with atopic dermatitis were examined, bacteriologic study of skin, oropharynx, intestine was carried out. Results. Significant changes were detected in both quantitative and qualitative composition of microbiocenosis of skin, oropharynx and intestine mucous membranes. Skin of patients is more frequently colonized by Staphylococcus aureus. Gram-positive bacteria dominated in oropharynx microflora. Comparative characteristics of microflora of skin and oropharynx mucous membrane revealed a direct correlation. During microbiological study of intestine microflora, all the examined had microbial landscape disruptions of varying severity degree. Conclusion. Taking into consideration the direct correlation of microflora of skin and oropharynx mucous membrane during atopic dermatitis, seeding of oropharynx washes are recommended to be included into the examination complex of patients with subsequent correction of microbiocenosis. Examination of all the children with atopic dermatitis for the presence of intestine dysbiosis is advisable.

About the authors

M. N Repetskaya

Perm State Medical Academy, Perm, Russia

Y. N Maslov

Perm State Medical Academy, Perm, Russia

E. V Shaidullina

City Children Clinical Polyclinic No. 5, Perm, Russia

O. M Burdina

Perm State Medical Academy, Perm, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2014 Repetskaya M.N., Maslov Y.N., Shaidullina E.V., Burdina O.M.

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