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Aim. Comparative evaluation of the effect of polyoxidonium and betaleukin on immunogenic and protective activity of a live plague vaccine in model animal experiments. Materials and methods. Plague vaccine EV, polyoxidonium, betaleukin, erythrocytic antigenic diagnosticum for determination of F1 antibodies and immune reagents for detection of lymphocytes with F1 receptors (LFR) in adhesive test developed by the authors were used. The experiments were carried out in 12 rabbits and 169 guinea pigs. Results. Immune modulation accelerated the appearance and disappearance of LFR (early phase) and ensured a more rapid and intensive antibody formation (effector phase). Activation by betaleukin is more pronounced than by polyoxidonium. The more rapid and intensive was the development of early phase, the more effective was antibody response to the vaccine. Immune modulation in the experiment with guinea pigs significantly increased protective activity of the vaccine. Conclusion. The use of immune modulators increased immunogenic (in both early and effector phases of antigen-specific response) and protective activity of the EV vaccine. A connection between the acceleration of the first phase of antigen-specific response and general intensity of effector phase of immune response to the EV vaccine was detected.

About the authors

V. V Karalnik

Scientific Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Almaty, Kazakhstan

T. S Ponomareva

Kazakh Scientific Centre of Quarantine and Zoonosis Infections, Almaty, Kazakhstan

P. N Deryabin

Kazakh Scientific Centre of Quarantine and Zoonosis Infections, Almaty, Kazakhstan

T. G Denisova

Scientific Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Almaty, Kazakhstan

N. N Melnikova

Kazakh Scientific Centre of Quarantine and Zoonosis Infections, Almaty, Kazakhstan

T. I Tugambaev

Kazakh Scientific Centre of Quarantine and Zoonosis Infections, Almaty, Kazakhstan

B. B Atshabar

Kazakh Scientific Centre of Quarantine and Zoonosis Infections, Almaty, Kazakhstan

S. B Zakaryan

Kazakh Scientific Centre of Quarantine and Zoonosis Infections, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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Copyright (c) 2014 Karalnik V.V., Ponomareva T.S., Deryabin P.N., Denisova T.G., Melnikova N.N., Tugambaev T.I., Atshabar B.B., Zakaryan S.B.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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