- Authors: Kutyrev V.V1, Popov N.V1, Eroshenko G.A1, Karavaeva T.B1
- Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
- Issue: Vol 90, No 5 (2013)
- Pages: 107-111
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.10.2013
- URL:
- ID: 13908
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Contemporary features of distribution of various subspecies and biovars of plague causative agent by landscape-geographical zones and mountain belts on the territory of Russia and other CIS countries are examined. The most widely spread in plain and mountain natural foci were noted to be Yersinia pestis main subspecies medieval biovar strains. Strains of Y. pestis non-main subspecies are spread in mountain landscapes of Altai, Caucasus, Tian Shan. Change of dominating species of rodents considered as the main carriers of plague was noted not to result in change of genetic and biochemical characteristics of Y. pestis strains. Perspectives of study of «micro-focality» of plague are emphasized for deciphering the mechanism of the enzootic.
About the authors
V. V Kutyrev
Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
N. V Popov
Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
G. A Eroshenko
Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
T. B Karavaeva
Russian Research Institute of Plague Control Microb, Saratov, Russia
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