- Authors: Kaftyreva L.A1, Makarova M.A1, Konovalova T.A2, Matveeva Z.N1
- Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow, Russia
- Issue: Vol 90, No 5 (2013)
- Pages: 100-104
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.10.2013
- URL:
- ID: 13894
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Aim. Determine etiologic significance of clinical strains of E. coli О145:Н28 isolated from feces of a patient with hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS). Materials and methods. 20 E. coli strains isolated from feces of a patient with HUS that developed after an acute intestine infection were studied. Antigenic structure of strains was determined by sequencing of rfb and fliC genes; presence of virulence genes (pap, aaf, sfa, afa, eaeА, bfpA, ial, hly, cnf, stx1, stx2, LT, ST and aer) - in PCR; ESBL production - by double disk method, ESBL genes - in PCR. Results. The strains contained rfb gene coding О145, fliC gene coding H7. Genes coding synthesis of stx2-toxin and intimin (eaeA) were detected. The strains were resistant to P-lactams due to production of CTX-M class ESBL. Conclusion. A causative agent E. coli О145:Н28 was isolated from a patient with HUS that produces stx2-toxin and CTX-M class ESBL and has not been previously registered in Russian Federation.
About the authors
L. A Kaftyreva
Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. Petersburg, Russia
M. A Makarova
Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. Petersburg, Russia
T. A Konovalova
Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow, Russia
Z. N Matveeva
Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. Petersburg, Russia
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