- Authors: Sergevnin V.I1, Zueva N.G2, Klyukina T.V3, Volkova E.O4
- Perm State Medical Academy, Russia
- Perm Regional Clinical Hospital, Russia
- Medical-Sanitary Unit No. 15, Perm, Russia
- Perm Regional Hospital for War Veterans, Russia
- Issue: Vol 90, No 4 (2013)
- Pages: 85-89
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.08.2013
- URL:
- ID: 13877
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Full Text
Aim. Evaluate resistance to working solutions of disinfectants by Staphylococcus haemolyticus and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from newborns and hospital environment objects of obstetric hospital during registration of group purulent-septic infections (PSI). Materials and methods. Analysis of 2 epidemic situations on PSI morbidity of newborns caused by S. haemolyticus and K. рneumoniaе was carried out. Sensitivity to antibiotics of S. haemolyticus and K. рneumoniaе strains isolated from newborns and hospital environment was studied by disc-diffusion method and geno-typing of K.рneumoniae - by using polymerase chain reaction with universal primer M 13 (RAPD-PCR). Sensitivity of S. haemolyticus and K. pneumoniae to working solutions of disinfectants was determined on test-surfaces (glass, metal, plastic, wood, oilcloth). Results. The detected identity of antibiotic phenotype of S. haemolyticus and K. рneumoniaе strains as well as genotype of K. рneumoniaе strains combined with registration of group PSI morbidity among newborns confirms that the circulating strains (clones) of the causative agents were hospital. S. haemolyticus and K. рneumoniaе strains in most cases were sensitive to working solutions of disinfectants. Conclusion. Resistance of causative agents of nosocomial PSI to disinfectants is not an unconditional feature of a hospital strain, and concurrence of resistance profile of microorganisms to disinfectant preparations - a mandatory feature of the presence of epidemiologic connection between the diseased.
About the authors
V. I Sergevnin
Perm State Medical Academy, Russia
N. G Zueva
Perm Regional Clinical Hospital, Russia
T. V Klyukina
Medical-Sanitary Unit No. 15, Perm, Russia
E. O Volkova
Perm Regional Hospital for War Veterans, Russia
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