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Aim. Study of the interrelation between the presence of immune deficiency and development of complications during vaccination of newborns with BCG vaccine. Materials and methods. In 24 children with complications of vaccine process in the form of cold abscess and lymphadenitis indicators of lymphocyte subpopulation levels were studied by flow cytofluorimetry on Beckman Coulter cytofluoriemter by using monoclonal antibodies with markers CD45+CD3+ - T-cell, CD45 +СD3 +СD4 + - T-helpers, CD45 +СD3 +CD8 + - T-supressors-cytotoxic killers, CD45+CD3 -CD16+CD56+ - natural killers, СD45 +CD3 -CD19 + - B-lymphocytes. The level of IgG, IgA, IgM in sera was determined by immune diffusion method in agar by Mancini. Results. In 4 children selective deficiency of IgA, in 5 - hyper-IgM syndrome was detected, which is an innate immunodeficiency and is characterized by the lack of sera IgA, reduction of IgG level and increase of IgM. In 9 children a reduction of CD16+ natural killer lymphocytes was detected, in some cases combined with a reduction of CD8+ T-supressors-cytotoxic killers. Conclusion. The reason of development of complications during BCG administration is the presence of immunodeficiency in children. In these children severe course of the vaccine process, presence of axillary lymphadenitis was observed, therapy of these children continued from 4 to 6 months.

About the authors

L. I Krasnoproshina

Mechnikov Research Institute ofVaccines and Sera, Russia

T. A Sevastianova

Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology of the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia

V. A Aksenova

Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology of the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia

T. A Serova

Mechnikov Research Institute ofVaccines and Sera, Russia

I. V Bisheva

Mechnikov Research Institute ofVaccines and Sera, Russia

S. A Skhodova

Mechnikov Research Institute ofVaccines and Sera, Russia

V. V Zverev

Mechnikov Research Institute ofVaccines and Sera, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2013 Krasnoproshina L.I., Sevastianova T.A., Aksenova V.A., Serova T.A., Bisheva I.V., Skhodova S.A., Zverev V.V.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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