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Aim. Study the possibility of prolonged conservation in macroorganism of antigens, mycoplasma cell DNA and live pathogen cells as part of CIC against the background of persisting antigen biostructures. Materials and methods. Aggregate-hemagglutination, direct immunofluorescence reactions and PCR method were used to determine antigens and DNA. Circulating immune complexes from blood sera samples were isolated by M. Digeon et al., mycoplasma isolation from CIC was carried out in SP-4 medium, species identity of the isolated mini-colonies was confirmed by real-time PCR method. Results. In patients with urogenital and respiratory pathology the frequency of detection of Мycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma pneumoniae in free state was 63.3, 53.1 and 80.82% of cases, respectively. Specific CIC in patients with verified respiratory mycoplasmosis 1 month after the onset of the disease were registered in patients with severe course of the disease, bronchitis and diseases of upper respiratory tract - in 92.5, 74.7 and 25.7% of cases, respectively. In children, bronchial asthma patients the frequency of detection of antigens and DNA of M. pneumoniae cells in free state was 72.6 and 12.33%, as part of CIC - in 60.27 and 43.8% of cases, respectively. Antigens and DNA of М. hominis in blood of this group of patients were detected in 32.9 and 26.02%, as part of CIC - in 53.42 and 52.05% of cases, respectively. During repeated examination of 12 children after etiotropic therapy execution (generally in 1.5 - 6 months) in 75% of cases antigens of both M. pneumoniae and М. hominis were detected in free state and as part of CIC. DNA of cells of these mycoplasma species were detected in 20 and 33%, as part of CIC - in 41.6 and 50% of cases, respectively. In 5 patients after 6 months (after 1 year in 1 case) mycoplasma antigens and DNA were identified in CIC or in blood sera. During cultivation of CIC components precipitated from 5 blood samples of patients of this group containing М. hominis DNA, culture of М. hominis mini-colonies were isolated in 4 cases. Conclusion. The possibility of prolonged persistence of antigens, DNA and whole mycoplasma cells in both free state and as part of CIC in patients with respiratory and urogenital pathology was shown. CIC are thus a peculiar depot, a place of conservation of not only various mycoplasma cell components, but also live cells.

About the authors

L. G Gorina

Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russia

I. V Rakovskaya

Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russia

O. I Barkhatova

Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russia

S. A Goncharova

Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russia

G. A Levina

Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russia

N. A Krylova

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2013 Gorina L.G., Rakovskaya I.V., Barkhatova O.I., Goncharova S.A., Levina G.A., Krylova N.A.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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