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Aim. Monitoring of circulation of enteroviruses (EVI) in Irkutsk Region and study of regional specter of circulating enteroviruses. Materials and methods. 1419 samples from patients with suspected EVI, contact in foci of enterovirus infection, acute intestine infections and 964 samples of sewage water were studied in total. In 2011 isolation of viral agents from 97 samples positive on enterovirus by RT-PCR from patients with preliminary EVI diagnosis and 5 samples of sewage water of Irkutsk city was carried out. Transplantable line of human rhabdomyosarcoma RD cell culture was used for isolation of enteroviruses. Infection of cells and 2 serial passages of the studied material were carried out. The isolates were typed in neutralization reaction (NR) with a set of 32 diagnostic type-specific immune sera against viral poliomyelitis I-III; Coxsackie B1-6; Coxsackie А2, А4, А7, А9, А10; ЕСНО 68-71; ЕСНО 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 20, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33. Results. In 2011 circulation of enterovirus serotypes that were previously absent on the territory of the region was established: ЕСНО 68, ЕСНО 70, ECHO 71. These strains were isolated from patients, circulation of ECHO 70 serotype was established also in samples of sewage water. The analysis of enterovirus landscape carried out showed the possibility of complication of epidemic situation on the territory of the region due to change of serovariants of causative agents of non-polioenterovirus infections and detection of epidemically significant enteroviruses - ECHO 68, 70 and 71 serotypes. Conclusion. Determination of specter of enterovirus serotypes, detection of serotypes that had not previously circulated in Irkutsk Region allows to prognose epidemic situation on morbidity of enterovirus infections and timely develop and make decisions for ensuring epidemiologic welfare of the population.

About the authors

A. V Sevostianova

Irkutsk Research Institute of Plague Control, Russia

T. A Gavrilova

Department of Federal Service for Control in the Sphere of Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Well-Being of Humans of Irkutsk Region, Russia

T. I Borisova

Irkutsk Research Institute of Plague Control, Russia

E. I Andaev

Irkutsk Research Institute of Plague Control, Russia

L. P Nursayanova

Department of Federal Service for Control in the Sphere of Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Well-Being of Humans of Irkutsk Region, Russia

M. D Bibaeva

Department of Federal Service for Control in the Sphere of Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Well-Being of Humans of Irkutsk Region, Russia

M. I Khakimova

Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Irkutsk Region, Irkutsk, Russia

V. B Kazanova

Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Irkutsk Region, Irkutsk, Russia

M. M Verkhozina

Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Irkutsk Region, Irkutsk, Russia

T. A Kirillova

Irkutsk Regional Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2013 Sevostianova A.V., Gavrilova T.A., Borisova T.I., Andaev E.I., Nursayanova L.P., Bibaeva M.D., Khakimova M.I., Kazanova V.B., Verkhozina M.M., Kirillova T.A.

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