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Contemporary representation of toxoplasmosis reactivation criteria in HIV infection is generalized.
Significance of the issue is justified: toxoplasmosis is a leading neurological pathology in AIDS with a
high lethality percentage due to complexity of clinical confirmation and difficulties of laboratory confirmation
of the start of reactivation. Clinical, instrumental, immunologic, molecular genetic invasion
reactivation criteria are discussed in the article and analysis of their effectiveness is performed; their
most feasible combinations are justified. Further system analysis of the cerebral toxoplasmosis reactivation
criteria specified in the article in combination with search of new pathogen dissemination markers
will allow to obtain important information that has both fundamental interest and important practical


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Copyright (c) 2012 Goncharov D.B., Gubareva E.V., Kobets N.V., Domonova E.A., Ievleva E.S.

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