- Authors: Fluer FS1, Fluer FS2
- Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiologyand Microbiology, Moscow, Russia
- Issue: Vol 89, No 2 (2012)
- Pages: 99-108
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.06.2012
- URL:
- ID: 13742
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Full Text
Data on staphylococci species producing
staphylococcus enterotoxins (SE) are presented
in the review. Genetics of toxin formation, SE
biosynthesis, factors influencing SE formation
(pH, temperature, effect of inductors and repressors),
physical-chemical properties of SE,
influence of temperature on enterotoxin stability,
enterotoxin structure, immunologic properties,
super antigen properties, SE mechanism
of action, role of SE in nosocomial infections,
intestine dysbacteriosis, atopic dermatitis, enterotoxin
toxicity, clinical manifestations are
staphylococcus enterotoxins (SE) are presented
in the review. Genetics of toxin formation, SE
biosynthesis, factors influencing SE formation
(pH, temperature, effect of inductors and repressors),
physical-chemical properties of SE,
influence of temperature on enterotoxin stability,
enterotoxin structure, immunologic properties,
super antigen properties, SE mechanism
of action, role of SE in nosocomial infections,
intestine dysbacteriosis, atopic dermatitis, enterotoxin
toxicity, clinical manifestations are
About the authors
F S Fluer
Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiologyand Microbiology, Moscow, RussiaGamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiologyand Microbiology, Moscow, Russia
F S Fluer
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