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Aim. Analyze the diversity and prevalence of mutations in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)
genome emerging in response to antiretroviral therapy isolated from HIV-infected individuals of Novosibirsk
region in 2010, 2011. Materials and methods. Detection of mutations in HIV-1 genome responsible for the
resistance to antiretroviral preparations (ARVP) was carried out by determination of pol gene nucleotide
sequence and subsequent analysis of the data obtained by program HIVdb: Genotypic Resistance Interpretation
Algorithm. Results. HIV-1 resistance mutations to antiretroviral preparations were detected in 23.6% of the
total number of the studied samples. The most prevalent mutations are those conditioning resistance to
nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (M184V, Y181C and K103N). In studies of
HIV-1 isolated from 4 patients who had not received antiretroviral therapy (ARVT) transmission of HIV-1
resistant to various groups of preparations was detected. Conclusion. The detected facts of ARVP resistant
HIV-1 circulation among patients who had not received ARVT and the data obtained on the mutations
emerging in response to therapy underline the relevance of administration of HIV-1 resistance profile study
during both decrease of ARVT effectiveness and primary administration of therapy to HIV infected patients.

About the authors

N M Gashnikova

V V Bogachev

P B Baryshev

Yu V Meshcheryakova

E N Savochkina

N Ya Chernousova

N M Gashnikova

State Scientific Centre of Virology and Biotechnology Vector

State Scientific Centre of Virology and Biotechnology Vector

V V Bogachev

State Scientific Centre of Virology and Biotechnology Vector

State Scientific Centre of Virology and Biotechnology Vector

P B Baryshev

State Scientific Centre of Virology and Biotechnology Vector

State Scientific Centre of Virology and Biotechnology Vector

Yu V Mescheryakova

Novosibirsk Regional Centre of Prophylaxis andControl of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region, Russia

Novosibirsk Regional Centre of Prophylaxis andControl of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region, Russia

E N Savochkina

Novosibirsk Regional Centre of Prophylaxis andControl of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region, Russia

Novosibirsk Regional Centre of Prophylaxis andControl of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region, Russia

N Ya Chernousova

Novosibirsk Regional Centre of Prophylaxis andControl of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region, Russia

Novosibirsk Regional Centre of Prophylaxis andControl of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2012 Gashnikova N.M., Bogachev V.V., Baryshev P.B., Meshcheryakova Y.V., Savochkina E.N., Chernousova N.Y., Gashnikova N.M., Bogachev V.V., Baryshev P.B., Mescheryakova Y.V., Savochkina E.N., Chernousova N.Y.

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