- Authors: Kostinov MP1, Zverev VV1, Kostinov MP2, Zverev VV2
- Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, Russia
- Issue: Vol 89, No 2 (2012)
- Pages: 73-78
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- ID: 13717
Cite item
Full Text
Literature data on the evaluation of clinicalepidemiologic
and social effectiveness of implementation
of programs of vaccination against
pneumococcal infection in various countries are
presented in the review. A prognosis of pharmacoeconomic
effectiveness of a universal vaccination
of children at the first years of life during
realization of program in Russia, where more
than 3000 children yearly suffer from pneumococcal
bacteremia, around 39 000 have pneumococcal
pneumonia and more than 700 000
- pneumococcal otitis is given. The frequency
of lethal outcomes from pneumococcal meningitis
in Russia is 20-40% and exceeds similar
parameters of meningitis of other etiology. Cost
for the state from the therapy of pneumococcal
infections is no less than 30 646 milliards of
RUR (Russian ruble) based on 2009 calculations.
In Russia 5 years after an implementation
of yearly mass immunization in children aged
from 2 months against pneumococcal infection
an overall economic effect of the program of
mass vaccination would be 39.19 milliards of
RUR. With direct costs reducing by 19.69 milliards
of RUR, and indirect costs (temporarily
disability allowance payment, reduction of
losses of gross domestic product) - by 37.4
milliards of RUR.
and social effectiveness of implementation
of programs of vaccination against
pneumococcal infection in various countries are
presented in the review. A prognosis of pharmacoeconomic
effectiveness of a universal vaccination
of children at the first years of life during
realization of program in Russia, where more
than 3000 children yearly suffer from pneumococcal
bacteremia, around 39 000 have pneumococcal
pneumonia and more than 700 000
- pneumococcal otitis is given. The frequency
of lethal outcomes from pneumococcal meningitis
in Russia is 20-40% and exceeds similar
parameters of meningitis of other etiology. Cost
for the state from the therapy of pneumococcal
infections is no less than 30 646 milliards of
RUR (Russian ruble) based on 2009 calculations.
In Russia 5 years after an implementation
of yearly mass immunization in children aged
from 2 months against pneumococcal infection
an overall economic effect of the program of
mass vaccination would be 39.19 milliards of
RUR. With direct costs reducing by 19.69 milliards
of RUR, and indirect costs (temporarily
disability allowance payment, reduction of
losses of gross domestic product) - by 37.4
milliards of RUR.
About the authors
M P Kostinov
V V Zverev
M P Kostinov
Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, RussiaMechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, Russia
V V Zverev
Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, RussiaMechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, Russia
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