- Authors: Romanenkova NI1, Bichurina MA1, Rozaeva NR1, Pogrebnaya TN1, Romanenkova NI2, Bichurina MA2, Rozaeva NR2, Pogrebnaya TN3
- Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. Petersburg
- Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiologyin Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad, Russia
- Issue: Vol 89, No 6 (2012)
- Pages: 27-31
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.12.2012
- URL:
- ID: 13704
Cite item
Full Text
of immunity against polioviruses in these children. Materials and methods. 1668 feces samples from patients
with acute flaccid paralysis and contact individuals and 479 feces samples from healthy children from families
of migrants, as well as 1012 blood sera of children aged 3 - 4 and 14 - 15 years living in the same territory
of Russia, and 169 blood sera of children of migrants were studied. Polioviruses and non-polio enteroviruses
were isolated by standard procedures recommended by WHO in 3 cell cultures - RD, L20B and
Hep-2. Virus identification was carried out by microneutralization test with rabbit antisera against poliomyelitis
virus, RIVM (Bilthoven, Netherlands). For intra-type differentiation EIA and PCR were used. Antibody
titers were determined in microneutralization reaction with reference poliovirus vaccines strains in Hep-2
cell culture. Results. The frequency of detection of polioviruses in children of migrants was significantly
higher than in patients with acute flaccid paralysis. In a larger percent of cases children of migrants did not
have protective antibody titers against polioviruses of all the 3 serotypes. Conclusion. Migrants as a significant
source of poliovirus detection may be an indicator group for detection of signs of unfavorable epidemic situation.
Based on the results of epidemiologic surveillance of migrants the fact of import of wild poliovirus
into North-West of Russia with the absence of poliomyelitis was proven, which confirms an important role
of this form of monitoring in the system of poliomyelitis control.
About the authors
N I Romanenkova
M A Bichurina
N R Rozaeva
T N Pogrebnaya
N I Romanenkova
Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. PetersburgPasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. Petersburg
M A Bichurina
Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. PetersburgPasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. Petersburg
N R Rozaeva
Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. PetersburgPasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, St. Petersburg
T N Pogrebnaya
Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiologyin Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad, RussiaCentre of Hygiene and Epidemiologyin Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad, Russia
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