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Aim. Study microecologic features of intestine
microbiocenosis of frequently ill children.
Materials and methods. Composition of intestine
microbiocenosis of 86 children aged 3 - 7 years
living in the city of Karaganda (Kazakhstan) by
bacteriological method. A number of microecologic
coefficients was calculated: species saturation
index, consistency index, relative occurrence
coefficient, modified Sanders dominance
index, ƒ2 criteria, Jaccard similarity coefficient.
Results. The constants members of the biocenosis
were Escheri chia coli with high enzymatic
activity, enterococci, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
Additional species were opportunistic
bacteria and fungi of the Candida genus. A
tendency to collective existence between members
of the normal microflora (E. coli, lactobacilli
and bifidobacteria) and opportunistic
bacteria and Candida genus fungi was detected.
Conclusion. A change of characteristics of intermicrobial
interactions in intestine microbiocenosis
with a formation of pathologic connections
between members of normal and opportunistic
microflora and Candida genus fungi was noted.

About the authors

E A Zakharova

I S Azizov

E A Zakharova

Scientific-Research Centre of Karaganda StateMedical University, Republic of Kazakhstan

Scientific-Research Centre of Karaganda StateMedical University, Republic of Kazakhstan

I S Azizov

Scientific-Research Centre of Karaganda StateMedical University, Republic of Kazakhstan

Scientific-Research Centre of Karaganda StateMedical University, Republic of Kazakhstan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2012 Zakharova E.A., Azizov I.S., Zakharova E.A., Azizov I.S.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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