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Aim. Study of immunogenicity and protective
efficacy of a novel inactivated vaccine with
chitosan against influenza A/H1N1/2009.
Materials and methods. Influenza virus A/
California/7/2009 (H1N1) strain was used in
the study. Mice were immunized twice (21 day
interval) with experimental samples of inactivated
influenza vaccine: No. 1 - without the
addition of chitosan, No. 2 - with addition of
chitosan. The blood was obtained 21 days after
the first and 10 days after the second immunization
with the vaccines and was treated with RDE.
Antibody levels were evaluated in HI reaction.
Results. HI reaction method showed that antibody
titers induced after immunization of vaccine
No. 2 were higher than those induced after
immunization with vaccine No. 1. Eva luation
of protective efficacy of the vaccines against an
experimental form of influenza infection in mice
showed that after immunization with vaccine
that does not contain chitosan the level of virus
accumulation does not differ from the control
statistically significantly (p≤0.05), at the same
time the level of virus accumulation in the lungs
of infected animals immunized with chitosan
containing vaccine significantly (significantly
with 95% probability) decreased by an average
3.0 lg when compared with control. Conclusion.
Comparative analysis of immunogenicity and
protective efficacy of experimental samples of
inactivated influenza vaccine against influenza
A/H1N1/2009 showed that the vaccine with the
addition of chitosan stimulates the formation
of a higher immune response and promotes a
more significant suppression of influenza A
infectious agent reproduction in the lung targetorgan.

About the authors

S Ya Loginova

Branch of 48th Central Research Institute ofMinistry of Defence of RF - Virology Centre,Sergiev Posad

Branch of 48th Central Research Institute ofMinistry of Defence of RF - Virology Centre,Sergiev Posad

V N Shchukina

Branch of 48th Central Research Institute ofMinistry of Defence of RF - Virology Centre,Sergiev Posad

Branch of 48th Central Research Institute ofMinistry of Defence of RF - Virology Centre,Sergiev Posad

S V Borisevich

Branch of 48th Central Research Institute ofMinistry of Defence of RF - Virology Centre,Sergiev Posad

Branch of 48th Central Research Institute ofMinistry of Defence of RF - Virology Centre,Sergiev Posad

V P Bondarev

Branch of 48th Central Research Institute ofMinistry of Defence of RF - Virology Centre,Sergiev Posad

Branch of 48th Central Research Institute ofMinistry of Defence of RF - Virology Centre,Sergiev Posad

S G Markushin

G G Krivtsov

N A Mikhaylova

Yu Z Gendon

S Ya Loginova

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

V N Schukina

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

S V Borisevich

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

V P Bondarev

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

S G Markushin

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

G G Krivtsov

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

N A Mikhaylova

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

Yu Z Ghendon

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia

Mechnikov Research Instituteof Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2012 Loginova S.Y., Shchukina V.N., Borisevich S.V., Bondarev V.P., Markushin S.G., Krivtsov G.G., Mikhaylova N.A., Gendon Y.Z., Loginova S.Y., Schukina V.N., Borisevich S.V., Bondarev V.P., Markushin S.G., Krivtsov G.G., Mikhaylova N.A., Ghendon Y.Z.

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