- Authors: Terkacheva OA1, Kostinov MP1, Zhirova SN1, Cherdantsev AP1, Terkacheva OA2, Kostinov MP2, Zhirova SN2, Cherdantsev AP2
- Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, Russia
- Issue: Vol 89, No 1 (2012)
- Pages: 30-35
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://microbiol.crie.ru/jour/article/view/13650
- ID: 13650
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cytokines in healthy adults after administration
of inactivated subunit monovalent influenza
vaccine, А/California/7/2009 (H1N1) strain.
Materials and methods. Levels of IFN, IFN,
TNF cytokines were studied in blood sera of
58 mostly healthy adults aged 18 - 60 years.
Kits for enzyme immunoassay determination of
cytokine levels (Vector-Best, Novosibirsk) were
used in the study. Antibody titers to А/California/7/2009 (H1N1) strain were determined
at analogous time by using microneutralization
reaction (MNR). Results. Changes in the level
of IFN, IFN, TNF in healthy volunteers
immunized by pandemic influenza vaccine were
evaluated. Vaccine was safe. Two immunizations
did not result in an increase of TNF level that
is an additional evidence of vaccine safety. IFN
level had a tendency to increase in vaccinated
volunteers. IFN levels in volunteers with normal
level of this cytokine (below 10 pg/ml) were
increased significantly after the second immunization
(from 2.66±2.48 to 5.21±2.56).
Correlation analysis showed that there is a strong
negative association between IFN, IFN and
About the authors
O A Terkacheva
M P Kostinov
S N Zhirova
A P Cherdantsev
O A Terkacheva
Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, RussiaMechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, Russia
M P Kostinov
Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, RussiaMechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, Russia
S N Zhirova
Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, RussiaMechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, Russia
A P Cherdantsev
Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, RussiaMechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines andSera, Moscow, Russia
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