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Aim. Biotyping of Vibrio cholerae eltor iso- lated during epidemic complications of cholera in Syberia and Far East by phenotypic and genotypic properties complex. Materials and methods. 45 strains of V.cholerae were studied. Phenotypic analysis was performed by using a complex of biovar determining tests. Genotyping was performed by detecting ctxAB, tcpA, toxR, rstR genes, and ctxB gene structure analysis. Results. All the V.cholerae during epidemiologic complications in Syberia in the 1970s belong to eltor biovar by phenotypic properties and have eltor specific alleles of tcpA and rstR genes, and ctxB of the third genotype in the genome. In the 1990s the strains were phenotypically matching eltor biovar, but had genetical determinants of both eltor (tcpA El, rstR El) and classical (сtxB1, rstR Cl) biovar. Conclusion. The cause of epidemic complications of cholera in Syberia in the 1970s was V.choleraе eltor with typical eltor biovar phenotypical and genotypical properties. In the 1990s cases of introduction into the region of «hybrid» V.choleraе eltor strain were ascertained, developing into acute cholera outbreaks in several cases.

About the authors

L. V Mironova

Irkutsk Research Institute for Plague Control of Syberia and Far East, Russia

S. V Balakhonov

Irkutsk Research Institute for Plague Control of Syberia and Far East, Russia

L. Ya Urbanovich

Irkutsk Research Institute for Plague Control of Syberia and Far East, Russia

V. S Polovinkina

Irkutsk Research Institute for Plague Control of Syberia and Far East, Russia

A. S Kozhevnikova

Irkutsk Research Institute for Plague Control of Syberia and Far East, Russia

E. S Kulikalova

Irkutsk Research Institute for Plague Control of Syberia and Far East, Russia

M. V Afanasyev

Irkutsk Research Institute for Plague Control of Syberia and Far East, Russia


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2011 Mironova L.V., Balakhonov S.V., Urbanovich L.Y., Polovinkina V.S., Kozhevnikova A.S., Kulikalova E.S., Afanasyev M.V.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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