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Aim. To determine features of intestinal microbiocenosis in dysbiosis as well as biological characteristics of isolated microflora in residents of Orenburg city. Materials and methods. 70 children one year old and 60 adult 1—60 years old were examined for dysbiosis. Bacteriologic identification of the large intestine’s content was performed using method of serial dilutions. Isolated microorganisms were identified by routine methods. Assessment of the degree of dysbiotic disorder was conducted according to the standard guideline «Patients management protocol. Intestinal dysbiosis». Antibiotic resistance of Klebsiella species was determined by disc-diffusion method, antagonistic activity of lactobacilli — by plate culture method, and lysozyme activity — by agar bullet method. Results. Dysbiotic disorders were registered in more than 90% of examined subjects. For patients of both age groups, stage I of intestinal dysbiosis was observed most often. Dysbiotic disorders were characterized by increased amount of bacteria from Klebsiella genus and yeast-like fungi from Candida genus. It was established that antibiotic resistance was widely prevalent in isolated strains of Klebsiella. At the same time representatives of normal microflora, i.e. lactobacilli, had a marked antagonistic activity against Klebsiella species, Staphylococcu s aureus , Candida fungi and low level of lysozyme activity. Conclusion. Among the population of Orenburg, intestinal dysbiosis was widely prevalent and characterized by predominance of Klebsiella spp. and Candida spp. among opportunistic microflora. One of the rational methods of correction of compensated forms of intestinal dysbiosis is stimulation of growth of normal flora including lactobacilli, which have antagonistic activity.

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About the authors

I. V Valysheva

Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis, Orenburg, Russia

M. V Sycheva

Orenburg State Agrarian University

L. F Suleeva

Orenburg State Agrarian University

O. L Kartashova

Orenburg State Agrarian University

A. V Valyshev

Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis, Orenburg, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2011 Valysheva I.V., Sycheva M.V., Suleeva L.F., Kartashova O.L., Valyshev A.V.

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