- Authors: Pomelova V.G1, Bychenkova T.A1, Bekman N.I1, Osin N.S2
- «Immunoscreen» Corporation, Moscow, Russia
- State Research Institute of Biological Instrument Engineering, Moscow, Russia
- Issue: Vol 87, No 1 (2010)
- Pages: 62-67
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.02.2010
- URL:
- ID: 13422
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Full Text
Aim. To demonstrate the possibility of development of test based on phosphorescent analysis (PHOSPHAN) for simultaneous identification and differentiation of specific IgG to tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and West Nile fever (WNF) viruses. Materials and methods. Twenty six serum samples from patients with TBE, twenty five from WNF, and sixty six from clinically healthy donors were used for the study. Immunologic analysis was performed in plate wells with active microzones «printed» on the wells’ bottom and corresponding the complex of virus-specific antigens with immobilized monoclonal antibodies; internal control of specificity was included in each well. Species specificity of antibodies was determined on the basis of not less than 2-fold elevation of value of positivity coefficient (P/N) of sample studied with homologous antigen compared to heterologous one. Results. PHOSPHAN provides simultaneous detec- tion of IgG in human serum to two related flaviviruses: TBE and WNF viruses. Usage of P/N criterion assessed with homologous and heterologous antigen allowed correct determination of species specificity of antibodies in 90% of serum samples from patients with TBE and WNF. Conclusion. PHOSPHAN allows to detect and differentiate IgG to TBE and WNF viruses during testing of one serum sample in one plate well without decrease of sensitivity compared to enzyme immunoassay with separated testing of samples on two viruses. This provides savings of biomaterial, which is an advantage compared to enzyme immunoassay.
About the authors
V. G Pomelova
«Immunoscreen» Corporation, Moscow, Russia
T. A Bychenkova
«Immunoscreen» Corporation, Moscow, Russia
N. I Bekman
«Immunoscreen» Corporation, Moscow, Russia
N. S Osin
State Research Institute of Biological Instrument Engineering, Moscow, Russia
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