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Aim. Study the frequency of occurrence of antibiotics resistant strains of various species of Corynebacterium non diptheriae. Materials and methods. C.pseudodiphtheriticum, C.pseudotuberculosis, C.xerosis, C.amycolatum, C.striatum, C.ulcerans strains isolated from patients with pathologies of respiratory and urogenital tract, as well as individuals taking prophylaxis examination were used. Sensitivity to antibacterial preparations was determined by the serial dilution method. Results. The highest number of Corynebacterium non diptheriae strains displayed resistance to benzylpenicillin (54.8%) and lincomycin (50.7%), and lowest - to cefotaxime, cefazolin (6.8%) and vancomycin (13.7%). The highest number of antibiotics resistant strains were detected among members of C.pseudotuberculosis {100%), C.xerosis (96.0%) and C. pseudodiphtheriticum (81.0%) species. Polyresistant strains were detected most frequently among C.xerosis, C.amycolatum and C.striatum species. Strains of Corynebacterium non diptheriae most frequently displayed resistance to 1 or 2 antibacterial preparations (24.7%), less frequently - to 3 (20.5%), 4 (13.7%), 5 (4.1%) and 6 (1.4%) preparations. Conclusion. The amount of antibiotics resistant strains of Corynebacterium non diptheriae is large (89.0%) and non-similar in various species.

About the authors

G. G. Kharseeva

Rostov State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

N. A. Voronina

Rostov State Medical University


T. D. Gasretova

Rostov State Medical University


O. I. Sylka

Rostov State Medical University


S. Yu. Tyukavkina

Rostov State Medical University



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Copyright (c) 2017 Kharseeva G.G., Voronina N.A., Gasretova T.D., Sylka O.I., Tyukavkina S.Y.

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