Aim. To develop new method of determination of size and concentration of lyposomes based on measurement of opacity in dispersed media. Materials and methods. Dispersions of lyposomes from dipalmitoylposphatidylcholine were the object of the study. Opacity spectrum of lyposome suspension was measured with Zenyth 200st spectrophotometer. Mean values of diameter of lyposomes determined by opacity spectrum were compared with the same values measured by electron microscopy (JEM 100-CX, JEOL, Japan) with magnification 58,000 — 100,000. Refraction index was measured with refractometer RPL-3 (Russia). Results. Sizes of lyposomes measured by the new method and by electron microscopy did not differ significantly. Determination of sizes and concentration of lyposomes by the new method did not depend from effect of secondary multiple scattering of light. Conclusion. Obtained data allowed to conclude that developed method could be used in practice. Advantages of the new method are usage of common spectrophotometers and photoelectrocolorimeters for deriving of liposomes suspension opacity curve as well as its high validity, which are confirmed by data obtained with electron microscopy.