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To assess sorption properties of Spherocelle beads consisting of particles of macroporous cellulose with various charges in relation to bacterial cells of manufacturing probiotic strains from different taxonomic groups. Materials and methods . The following manufacturing strains: Bifidobacterium bifidum 1, Lactobacillus plantarum 8РА-3 and Escherichia coli M-17, as well as 3 variants of Spherocelles’ matrix: neutral, with positive and negative charges, were used. Results . Spherocelle globules DEAE with a positive charge of the matrix were successively used for designing of immobilized probiotic preparations. Efficacy of sorbent is determined by sorption of >1000 viable cells as well as bacterial metabolites interacting in conditions of sorbent-regulated pH on each globule with diameter 100 — 180 μm. It provides, on the one hand, prolonged viability of probiotic bacteria in culture fluid within 6 months and, on the other hand, optimal pharmacokinetics of preparation due to gradual desorption of metabolites from sorbent globules. Conclusion . Sorbent Spherocell DEAE is biocompatible with cells of manufacturing strains of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and E.coli and recommended for designing of immobilized probiotics.

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About the authors

V. M Bondarenko

Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow

O. V Rybalchenko

Research Institute of High Pure Biopreparations, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

A. G Boldyrev

Research Institute of High Pure Biopreparations, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

I. L Potokin

Research Institute of High Pure Biopreparations, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

O. G Orlova

Research Institute of High Pure Biopreparations, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

V. P Dobritsa

Research Institute of High Pure Biopreparations, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2009 Bondarenko V.M., Rybalchenko O.V., Boldyrev A.G., Potokin I.L., Orlova O.G., Dobritsa V.P.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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