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Evolution of views on legionellosis is analyzed in the review: from extremely dangerous rare infection to sufficiently widespread severe pneumonia emergence of which is determined by features of ecology and prevalence of natural water microorganism in potentially dangerous water systems created by man. Epidemiologic features of 3 main groups of legionellosis determined according to place of acquisition are discussed: sporadic (communityacquired) legionellosis; nosocomial legionellosis; legionellosis related with trip or travel. Modern principles of organization of epidemiologic surveillance for legionellosis based on the disease’s incidence monitoring, observation on circulation of the agent in potentially dangerous water systems, conducting of prophylactic measures aimed at prevention of sporadic cases and epidemic outbreaks. Organization of epidemiological sur veillance for Legionella infection in Russian Federation in present time is developed on the basis of international standards, recommendations of World Health Organization, home practical experience from elimination of epidemic outbreaks of legionellosis, and results of Legionella isolation from potentially dangerous water objects on territory of Russia.

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About the authors

G. G Onischenko

Federal Service for Surveillance for Protection of Consumers Rights and Human Welfare

Yu. V Demina

Federal Service for Surveillance for Protection of Consumers Rights and Human Welfare

I. S Tartakovsky

Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2009 Onischenko G.G., Demina Y.V., Tartakovsky I.S.

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